Life would be great if it went the way we planned. However, we all know that life has a funny way of throwing events and circumstances at us that we did not plan for. One recent example for many people is widespread unemployment. A sudden, unexpected loss of income can be especially difficult, as we […]
How Spending Time Outside Can Benefit Your Mental Health
In a time when staying inside has become the new normal, going outside is still important. As the weather warms up and the sun shines high in the sky, there is no better time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Spending time outside is not only good for your physical well-being; it can […]
Keeping Your Children Occupied During Coronavirus
Coronavirus changed the way we spent the spring season and the end of the school year. Many schools switched to online learning, spring break plans were canceled, and life in general for most Americans changed. As the spring turns to summer, many parents are worried about continued restrictions and keeping their children occupied during the […]
Ways to Support Your Graduate During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Graduation day is something that many students look forward to. Whether it is from high school, college, graduate school, or even kindergarten, your student has worked hard and waited for the moment that his name is called and he is officially finished. However, with a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and the closure of schools, graduations have […]
Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic with Your Partner
A lot has changed with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is an unprecedented event in our lifetime. We have only read about something like this in history books, and we would have never expected it to happen in the 21st century. Among the many things that have changed as a result of the […]
Helping Your Child Through the COVID-19 Pandemic
As a parent, you probably never expected that you would have to raise your child in the middle of a pandemic. Afterall, pandemics are something you encounter in history books. However, right now the world faces a COVID-19 pandemic that nobody could have imagined, and it is taking a toll on both adults and children. […]