Leading people through a journey of self discovery
Thank you for coming to Keri Powell Therapy where you will find individual counseling services for mental health and substance abuse treatment dedicated to providing you with the highest level of respect and quality here in the Champaign-Urbana Illinois area. We desire for your experience to be inspirational and growth-promoting. We’re the perfect facility for couples or families that have multiple people needing therapy; individuals will have privacy with their own counselor, but the benefit of family therapy when we all meet together. This collaboration is a rare and valuable experience for clients. With the understanding that the decision to enter individual counseling services is often difficult, we welcome you to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about the therapy process.
Common Reasons to
Seek Therapy:
- Relationship Issues
- Personal Growth
- Self-esteem
- Emotional Distress
- Coping Skills
- Loss
- Trauma/Abuse
- Psychiatric & Clinical
Disorders - Identity Problems
- Religious/Spiritual
Concerns - Addictions

Meet the Therapists

Keri Powell
I am comfortable treating most mental health issues and have experience in working with diverse populations. I often work with female clients addressing depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar, co-dependency, trauma, personality disorders, and substance abuse issues. I’m passionate about empowering women and promoting self acceptance. I enjoy leading people through a journey to assist them in arriving at new insights and realizations.