Four Signs It Might Be Time to See a Therapist

When you’re going through tough times, it can be difficult to know when to seek help. After all, you’ve weathered storms in life before– this too shall pass, right? While you might be the type to wait for storms to blow over, in some situations, waiting too long to seek mental health assistance can have long-term negative health consequences. Do your emotional, physical, and mental well-being a favor. If you notice you’ve been developing any of the following habits or behaviors, it is probably time to see a therapist.

Your Emotions Have Intensified

In a typical day, you can feel dozens of emotions. While certain big events can derail your emotional well-being on occasion, you shouldn’t be feeling extreme worry, sadness, or anger on a daily basis. If your emotions seem to be taking over your life, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, seek the advice of a trained counselor. He or she will be able to help you find emotional management strategies, and can screen you for signs of other mental health complications that could be causing your upsetting mood swings.

You Keep Thinking About A Trauma

Recent or even distant trauma and victimization experiences can come to the forefront of your mind when you least expect it. Grief and fear from traumas like the loss of a loved one, surviving violence, or other upsetting events sometimes create negative emotions days to years later. If you’re struggling to overcome a past experience, reach out to counseling services. The right therapist can help guide you through your coping and healing process.

You’ve Noticed New, Recurring Aches and Pains

Sometimes, the symptoms of stress and mental illness are felt physically rather than emotionally. If you’ve been experiencing recurring and hard-to-explain headaches, stomach aches, or muscle aches, it may be time to see a therapist. You might find that your never-ending flu is actually caused by your stressful career and not a virus at all.

time to see a therapist

You’re Reaching For Substances To Relax

In 2002, 13.0% of Americans aged 12 or older had used illicit drugs or abused psychotherapeutic medications in the past month. By 2012, that number had increased to 13.2%, marking a rise of over 4 million. If you are one the many people in the United States reaching for alcohol, food, or illicit drugs whenever you feel upset, it might be time to see a therapist. Consider reaching out to a counselor to prevent addiction development and start on a healthier path.

Admitting that it’s time to see a therapist can be hard, especially if you pride yourself in being independent and strong. However, sometimes the strongest thing you can do is recognize when to stop charging ahead, and take time to recover. If you notice any of these symptoms, consider scheduling an appointment with Keri Powell Therapy. With professional guidance, you can care for your health and get past the storm.